State SSWS Contact Information

Several states are working with their producers and packing plant personnel to apply the National SSWS Plan to the uniqueness of their sheep industry. Some States are reviewing SSWS enhanced biosecurity plans for producers. Available state contact information is provided below. Is your state engaging producers and would like to be listed? Contact us


The Arizona Department of Agriculture works with sheep producers interested in submitting SSWS Plans for review.


  • Dr. Sarah Bailey, Assistant State Veterinarian/Emergency Coordinator
  • Cell 602-329-8377


The Colorado Department of Agriculture works with sheep producers interested in submitting SSWS Plans for review.


  • Becky Hoffman, Animal Incident Management Specialist, Colorado Dept. of Agriculture; 303-870-5494;


Kansas Implementation of the SBS Plan (link to website)

The Kansas Department of Agriculture is working with sheep producers through outreach workshops and biosecurity plan development to increase awareness of Kansas’ approach to animal movement in an FMD outbreak.

Project Contact:

  • Kelly Oliver, Animal Health Planner, Kansas Department of Agriculture, (o) 785-564-6608,


The Minnesota Department of Agriculture works with sheep producers interested in submitting SSWS Plans for review.


New York

The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets is working with producers to implement and review Secure Food Supply Plans in collaboration with the New York State Cattle Health Assurance Program (NYSCHAP) and accredited veterinarians.



Texas Animal Health Commission Secure Food Supply Program

The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) aims to help the industry mitigate the risk of foreign animal diseases, maintain business continuity through enhanced biosecurity plans and encourage safe and secure animal agriculture practices to maintain productivity and marketability.

Project Contacts:


The Wyoming Livestock Board will work with interested producers to develop Secure Sheep and Wool Supply Plans.


  • Dr. Rose Digianantonio, Wyoming Assistant State Veterinarian, Wyoming Livestock Board
  • Phone: 307-256-0952
  • E-mail: