Get your PIN
Request a National Premises Identification Number (PremID or PIN) from the office of your State Animal Health Official. In an outbreak, the PIN will allow producers to be notified if they are in a regulatory Control Area, speeding up a response.
The PIN is also required to request a movement permit in an FMD or other foreign animal disease outbreak. It links test results and other important information to a premises. Read this short document for more information about Premises Identification – What is needed and how it is used.
Contact the office of your State Animal Health Official (State Veterinarian), call 1-866-USDA-TAG, or contact the USDA APHIS Veterinary Services Office in your state to learn what type of premises identification you may have, or need to request.
Already have a PIN? Great! Now it is time to validate it.
- Contact your State Animal Health Official to ensure the PIN data includes a valid 911 address and a set of matching coordinates (latitude and longitude) reflecting the actual location of the animals on the premises.
- Start including your validated PIN on diagnostic sample submissions.