Wool Handlers and Processors
Wool handlers and processors rely on sheep producers for their product, making them integral to business continuity. Sheep may be infected with FMD virus but undetected due to a lack of clinical signs. It must be assumed that wool from infected and undetected flocks could be moved to processing. Wool handlers, processors, and others who have contact with raw wool must observe proper biosecurity protocols to avoid transmitting the FMD virus to susceptible animals. More information about FMD virus survival, how to inactivate it, wool bale/bag traceability, and disposal is provided in the following documents:
- SSWS Wool Handling during an FMD Outbreak (4 pages)
- SSWS Wool Handling Handout (1 page)
FMD is not a public health concern, but can be carried on raw wool, a person’s clothing, footwear, and personal items.